
Sylvia Love Johnson

Your Human Soul Superpower: to Dream and turn your Dreams into Reality.

Heroes wanted!

If there was ever a time that the world needed heroes, that time is now. Your superhuman power is your Dreams. You can manifest anything you want into reality. Dream of the world you desire for you and for humanity, and then Create it. Believe it. Feel it! See it. In the meantime, while you enjoy the unfolding, spend your time doing what you LOVE.

Raise your Vibrations with positive emotions, joy and LOVE. Expand the Universe with your thoughts and desires, hold your Dreams steady in your vision and watch the magic unfold.

Actress, Actor’s Coach

In my 15 years of coaching actors, I have always come across the same challenges: Most Actors lack confidence because they lack Mastery of the craft. They can’t improve because they lack access to “Masterful” coaching. Most Actors don’t get the consistent work they want.

Rejection after rejection at auditions makes them insecure until they soon quit. It seems like there is no access to making it in the industry. It looks like success in this field is reserved for the few and not the many. But the fact is that there is a significant lack of correct guidance—a lack of support and a lack of healthy communities for Actors.

Most people simply go and do whatever the masses do, concluding an everlasting circle of unfulfilled desire and monotonous sameness.


“Some movies serve to remind us of our intrinsic human superpower to dream and to turn our dreams into reality. As an independent filmmaker, it is my goal to be a constant reminder of the power of the Human Soul.”

Mastering Manifesting Coach

My process for deciphering the Soul’s secrets and the Universe is asking guidance from my inner self, connecting with human consciousness, God, listening and experiencing the answers that my angels help me understand.

Immortality. Infinity. We Are One. The Great Awakening and your newly found psychic abilities Eternal Live Promised – ignored? Miss interpreted? Disrupted? Stolen? Lied about? Confused? Limited life experience? The Human Soul in your DNA. Our connection with All, consciousness, God, through your cells. The divinity of humanity.


I started writing when I was 11, some of my characters then are still here with me in my stories. They grew up with me and became part of who I am: A Storyteller who seeks to expose the Magic within the Ordinary. The Love in All and the the Unity of Human Soul through One Consciousness. I’m here to share my soul with you and tho show you that We Are One.


Mastering Manifesting Coach Film Producer, Acting Coach, Entrepreneur and British Film Industry Visionary

Spanish, British Sylvia Love Johnson is an Entrepreneur, Filmmaker, Actor, Writer, Producer, Method Acting Tutor and Acting Career Coach Founder at Inner Vision Pictures. Her company focuses on providing tailored solutions for professional Actors seeking continued support, mentorship, career coaching and advanced training—filmmakers and Producers seeking Distribution and Investment. Investors are interested in finding great private investment opportunities in the UK Film Industry.

BA in Acting MA in Filmmaking. Winner of the Best Produced Kid’s Short Film Award at San Diego International Kids Film Festival for “Art’s Eyes” 2013. Her short film “Forgotten Paradise” was selected in the Official Selection of Depth of Film International Film Festival in 2015, the Nairobi International Film Festival Official selection in 2016 and featured in Palms Springs Short Film Market in 2015. “She Moon Experimental” was selected in the Official Selection of A Film for Peace International Film Festival 2014 and featured at Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Market 2014.

Sylvia received the Kingston University New Enterprise Award in 2011 for the self-publishing and self-distribution of her first novel “Mystic Dream”. She won the Barcelona Activa New Enterprise award in 2008 for her Award-winning Drama School “School of Theatre” in Spain. A School acclaimed by multiple professional theatre companies and casting directors resulting in the successful casting of some of her students for parts in the Hollywood Movie “Wrath of Titans” 2012

Sylvia is the author of the 100 Secrets Story Series. She has written the screenplays’ Tears of Mariposa Lily’ and ‘Mystic Dream’ feature films in development.

Sylvia has designed and developed breakthrough Method Acting and Career Coaching Programmes for Professional Actors.

Sylvia in the works of relaunching the designer clothing brand LaGuai.
LaGuai is moving forward towards achieving their dream of supporting promising future and up and coming talent: Dancers, Singers, Actors and young Sports People. LaGuai believes that the future is bright and full of colour: ‘The unstoppable impact of the stars of the future is inevitable, and we are going to be a part of it.”

Watch the Magic Unfold

Sylvia Love Johnson

100 Secrets Short Stories

100 Secrets is a collection of Short Stories revealing the secrets to manifesting and other mysteries of the Universe and the human Soul.

Secrets can’t be told, explained or imparted. They must be learnt with guidance from your inner self; they must be experienced with your open heart. I can’t tell you a secret; you must learn it yourself. 100 Secrets Short Stories will help you with inspiration and shared experiences.

Inner Vision Pictures

Independent Film Production. Formaly ‘Hekate Film Works’. Watch the Magic Unfold.

Actors Act Academy

As a Method Acting Tutor and Acting Career Coach at Actors Act Academy, I’m teaching thousands and soon hundreds of thousands and after that millions to #1 Master the Craft. #2 Uniqueness is the superpower of every Actor. #3 Aligning with your Career Dreams and Desires will get you anywhere you want to be.

Master at Manifesting

Manifesting is not a secret; it is a skill that can be taught.
But believe, certainty and knowing comes from within that can’t be taught.

We are ALL ONE Consciousness
Experience your connection with human consciousness at a cosmic level guided by your inner self in Meditation.

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More about Sylvia Love Johnson

Actors Act Academy

Acting Training and Acting Career Coaching for Professional Actors, Acting Students and Beginners. Master the Acting Craft. Leverage your Uniqueness SuperPower. Align with your Acting Career Goals and Dreams.

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